
To be without fashion is to be without culture. No one is fashion-less.

From the first weaving of of Egyptian Cotton to the fabrication of drawers culture has played a major role in how we project ourselves through dress. Where there was once strict boundaries for who wore what and how. The age of “Do You” has done away with such outdated thinking. Fashion has more clout than free speech. Although there still remains (and rightly so) “dress codes” for particular institutions, outside of such boundaries, we need no one to dictate how we choose to dress. Fashion, as it pertains to dress, is to the body what skin (even if artificial and temporary) is to the flesh. What you choose to express, by way of your dress, may come from influences such as how you were raised, community, religion, or environmental influences. All in all the beauty of fashion is that it expresses not only that which was internal and finally sprung forth but a myriad of cultural inflections whose history brings with it a background that refuses to go unnoticed, and rightly so. Aka Dr. MEIME.

